Boardroom Consulting
Boardroom Consulting
A professional search for members of supervisory boards and advisory boards. In Germany, too, the number of companies is constantly growing, which have recognised that a well-qualified, active supervisory board or advisory board as a sparring partner for top management can decisively influence the financial success of the company.
With its personality, its network of contacts and its financial independence that allows controversial discussions, it is highly valuable, both for the executive board and for the supervisory committee. In putting together this committee, the individual members should additionally cover different disciplines to ensure that they mutually supplement each other and allow various points of view.
The growing internationalism of companies and the optimisation of their shareholder values have also increased the strains of time and technical guidance placed on members of supervisory boards / advisory boards. In addition, the risks of personal image and the liability of members of supervisory boards / advisory boards have been increased, especially in the case of enterprises undergoing a crisis situation. Legal regulations (KonTraG) likewise oblige the supervisory board more and more.
For many years now, WEISER, KUCK & COMP. GMBH has overseen the specific development of members of supervisory boards and advisory boards and promoted discussion of the issue of CORPORATE GOVERNANCE.
Our expertise has also been documented by the book “Supervisory Boards and Advisory Boards in Germany” published by Gabler and edited by us.
By using our consulting skills, we can localise and acquire the right members of supervisory boards and advisory boards on behalf of our clients. WEISER, KUCK & COMP. GMBH acquires significant personalities for you, people who act proactively, professionally and reliably on a supervisory board. We thereby guarantee an objective selection process, which also avoids potential conflicts of interest.
Management- und Personalberatung BDU
Hammfelddamm 10
41460 Neuss
Tel: +49 (0) 2131.1697-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2131.1697-33