Executive Search
Executive Search
Approaching top candidates discretely and seriously: the competition for top managers has dramatically increased in recent years. To acquire the “right” manager, who fulfills the company’s requirements not only in terms of professionalism but also with regard on his/her personality, still is a crucial question for the success of a company.
To identify and approach a manager individually is still the most effective, trusted and reliable way to get in contact with potential candidates. Particularly top executives are rarely interested in react to job postings. They expect a discrete first contact and a professional attendance of the further recruiting process.
Job advertisements are the most suitable way if a widest possible target group should be reached. The neutral lettering of an experienced personnel consultancy with BDU membership guarantees the highest acceptance among potential candidates and underlines the seriousness and importance of the position on offer.
We combine direct search and job advertisement if the greatest possible coverage of the market in the shortest time should be achieved.
A sophisticated database system in addition to regular market research helps us to react quickly and well targeted.
Selected positions are placed on the WEISER, KUCK & COMP. GMBH homepage.
Management- und Personalberatung BDU
Hammfelddamm 10
41460 Neuss
Tel: +49 (0) 2131.1697-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2131.1697-33
Mail: info@weiser-kuck.de